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Perek Shirah : The Song of the Universe


Perek Shirah : The Song of the Universe

With Blessings from HaKaDosh Baruch Hu* for saving His Beloved Children

May this be a Blessings for my children and the Entire Family

Dedicated to the Zechut:

Yehuda ben Ester-Sarah

Yosef Chaim ben Ester-Sarah

Joshua Solomon ben Ester-Sarah

My Brothers:

Avraham Ben Khanoum Ezra Ben Khanoum Eliyahoo Ben Khanoum Morad Ben Shirin Jan



Perek Shirah : The Song of the Universe

With Great Gratitude To HaKaDosh Baruch Hu*

Artwork by:

Ester-Sarah (Shirin Z Moghaddam)

May This Project Be An Eternal Merit To The Soul Of:

My Father: Yosef Ben Mokhtar

My Mother: Khanoum -Sarah Bat Molkijan

My Brother: Nejatallah Ben Shirin Jaan

My Sister: Iran Bat ShirinJaan

Perek Shirah

Our Sages of blessed memory said about David, King of Israel, peace be upon him:

When he completed the Book of Psalms, he felt proud and he said before the Holy One Blessed Be He, “Have You created any creature in Your world that recites songs and praises more than 1?” That moment a single frog encountered him and said to him: “David do not feel pride, for I recite songs and praises more than you. Not only that, but three thousand parables can be derived from every song that I recite, as it says [Solomon] spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs were one thousand and five (1 Kings 5:12). What more, I am involved in a great Mitzvah, and this is the Mitzvah with which I am engaged: At the sea shore there is a species whose sustenance is only from the water to, and when it is hungry, it takes me and eats me.” This is the Mitzvah to fulfill what is said: If your foe is hungry, feed him bread; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will be scooping coals [to heap] on his head, and HaShem will reward you (Proverbs 25:21-22). Do not read it “He will reward you,” but” He shall cause him to make peace with you.

With Blessings from HaKaDosh Baruch Hu* for saving His Beloved Children

May this be a Blessings for my children and the Entire Family

Dedicated to the Zechut:

Yehuda ben Ester-Sarah

Yosef Chaim ben Ester-Sarah

Joshua Solomon ben Ester-Sarah

My Brothers:

Avraham Ben Khanoum Ezra Ben Khanoum Eliyahoo Ben Khanoum Morad Ben Shirin Jan


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